Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tired and Sick

I had such an odd, off day today that I nearly forgot to do the blog entry. Joe and I went out for drinks after supper last night (after he locked his keys in his car and we had to drive back to his house for his spare set). So the day started off good, but after I walked fence and got back to the house, I started feeling really bad. I didn’t feel like working, even though I had a great scene between Tay and Ana in my head, so I curled up in Dad’s lay-z-boy with Zip and a Robin of Sherwood novel and slept. If I hadn’t felt so strung out and just out of it, I would have given myself a serious upbraiding. But, I got up later (much, much later) and wrote a few drafts of a query letter, three pages of Taylor (tentatively book 3), and started changing my paper edits to Word. Hopefully I can get more done tomorrow. I feel really lazy.

I finished “The Harlequin” this morning. Great read. And our house-guest, Bruce, gave me a copy of “Seven Centuries of Verse” that he got for a dollar at the local book swap place. So I got some poems to keep me out of trouble for awhile.

I do have one, final observation for the evening. I fall asleep reading quite often. And that is always really odd, ‘cause I start dreaming where the book left off and it gets mixed up with other stuff I’ve been doing or reading lately. So today Robin Hood and Anita Blake were in Sherwood forest hunting vampires and fixing tractors. I think I need to get out more. Any one to second that? :-)