Thursday, May 20, 2010

What we all want more of: thyme

Another herb whose use I couldn’t recall was thyme. Trusty herb book again, dudududah! Thyme acts as an astringent, both inside and out, and too much can lead to poisoning. To use it to cleanse the kidneys and bladder, pour a cup of boiling water over a teaspoon of thyme. Let steep 15 minutes, strain, and sweeten. Drink one cup once a day for a week.

As far as growing thyme, it’s one of the herbs I started that made it, so it’s something I’ll comment on growing. Thyme grows slowly, so start early and give it plenty of sun. It’s hardy, which is good for me ;) and likes a regular watering schedule. It prefers a light, sandy soil, and when first starting new plants, weed control is essential as it does grow so slowly.

I’ve been trying to write three book reviews this week. Falling prey to my own whininess, I’ve got nothing to say, I don’t have any time, I’m not inspired, I’m hungry, I’d rather clean up dog poo… whatever. The thing is, if I don’t write, the creativity comes out in other ways, especially odd, vivid dreams. Indiana Jones with carnivorous cows with wings comes to mind. The answer? Simple. Write like my life depends on it. Who knows? My sanity might. Too many more cows with sharp teeth and Temple of Doom or running around town for plant starts and getting locked out of the house and I’ll go crazy... ier.


Rowenna said...

I don't know, Indy vs carnivorous cows capable of flight sounds like the beginnings of a fabulous short story...