Thursday, September 18, 2008

"In dreams begins responsibility." (William Butler Yeats)

First off today, a retraction. I said yesterday that 59P was having twins and it’s actually 59R. My bad. Next off, 59P looks like she’s gonna calve today, so we need to get little booger from last week banded and tagged and kicked outside. As spoiled as he is, he’s gonna get a rude awakening when he meets the big, big world, in a good way.

As it worked out today, 59P calved and little 1U, my bull calf, stirred up the herd in a way, it seems, only he is capable of. 2U is a little heifer calf with a blaze on her face and the cutest pink nose. Her mother loves her and 30S looked extremely confused upon realizing that hers was not the only calf in the world. 59P calved in two hours and her calf nursed immediately then laid down in the burdocks. I love calving in the fall. No frozen calves, no frozen needles, no fighting the weather for each and every life. The flies suck, but today was a nice day. A good day to be born. A bad day for writing. Of course, the bad writing days have outnumbered the good ones lately. But then, I am extremely spoiled when it comes to writing. I’m used to good days and lack mastery over the bad. Perhaps that is where I need to focus. Especially with a story due in thirty days.

See why I’d rather blog about my cows?